European Commission - Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles

The European Commission has issued a report on Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles - Recommendations on road safety, privacy, fairness, explainability and responsibility. It contains 20 recommendations concerning the future development and use of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs).

Recommendations 7-15 are related to Data and algorithm ethics: privacy, fairness, and explainability:

    • Recommendation 7 - Safeguard informational privacy and informed consent
    • Recommendation 8 - Enable user choice, seek informed consent options and
develop related best practice industry standards
    • Recommendation 9 - Develop measures to foster protection of individuals at
group level
    • Recommendation 10 - Develop transparency strategies to inform road users
about data collection and associated rights
    • Recommendation 11 - Prevent discriminatory service provision
    • Recommendation 12 - Audit CAV algorithms
    • Recommendation 13 - Identify and protect CAV relevant high-value datasets as
public and open infrastructural resources
    • Recommendation 14 - Reduce opacity in algorithmic decisions
    • Recommendation 15 - Promote data, algorithmic, AI literacy and public

The report can be downloaded from here.

Photo by Ruiyang Zhang from Pexels.