The UK Information Commissioner's Office 2019-2020 Annual Report
The UK Information Commissioner's Office has published it 2019-2020 annual report. It covers a key period in data protection and broader information rights. The report is split into three sections: the performance report, the accountability report and it is concluded with the ICO's financial statements .
The numbers in the report show that they have:
• received 38,514 data protection complaints
• closed 39,860 data protection cases (up from 34,684 in 2018/19)
• received 6,367 freedom of information complaint cases
Over 2,100 investigations were conducted and the ICO took regulatory action 236 times in response to breaches of the legislation that they regulate. That included 54 information notices, eight assessment notices, seven enforcement notices, four cautions, eight prosecutions and 15 fines.
The Age Appropriate Design Code was published in January introducing 15 standards. It is awaiting the Parliament’s approval.
The ICO has published the guidance for business and organizations to help them comply with data protection laws once the UK leaves the EU.
Elizabeth Denham, the UK Information Commissioner has said: ”The law has not changed, and the ICO continues to be a proportionate and practical regulator.”
The report is available here.
The news with a summary is available here.
Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst.