Singapore PDPC Issues a Guide to Job Redesign in the Age of AI

In collaboration with the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design, the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) have released Singapore’s first guide that helps companies manage AI’s impact on employees, and prepare for the future of work.

This Guide adopts an industry agnostic and human-centric approach to show how existing job roles can be redesigned to harness the potential of AI, so that the value of employees’ work can be increased.

This Guide provides guidance on practical steps in four areas of job redesign:

    •  Transforming Jobs - Assess the impact of AI on tasks, including whether each task can be automated or augmented by AI or remain in human hands, and decide which jobs can be transformed within an appropriate time frame.

    •  Charting Clear Pathways Between Jobs - Chart task pathways between jobs within an organisation and identify the tasks employees would need to learn to transition from one job to another.

    •  Clearing Barriers to Digital Transformation - Suggest ways to address potential challenges and support employees when implementing AI.

    •  Enabling Effective Communication Between Employers and Employees - Build a shared understanding within the organisation on “why”, “what”, and “how” AI will augment human capabilities and empower employees in their career.

The press release is available here, the Guide here  and the primer here.

In addition, Implementation and Self-Assessment Guide for Organisations (ISAGO) can be accessed here. The ISAGO aims to help organisations assess the alignment of their AI governance practices with the Model Framework. The second edition of the Model Artificial Intelligence Framework can be accessed  here.

The PDPC invites organisations to share their feedback - especially:

    •  Practical examples that would aid in illustrating section(s) of the Model Framework and Guide; and/or

    •  Experiences in using the Model Framework, ISAGO and Guide, e.g. how easy it is to implement the measures, how the framework can be better improved, or a helpful case of implementation that we may publish as a use case. Your use cases would continue to inspire more companies to implement AI responsibly.

Feedback can be provided by emailing the PDPC at [email protected].

Photo by Alex Knight from Pexels.

The content herein is taken from the PDPC’s section “Singapore’s Approach to AI Governance”